Step 1 – Record Referral and Complete Statutory Safeguarding Assessment and initiate Safeguarding Enquiry.
Action safeguarding duties as appropriate and/or action eligible care and support needs in line with statutory duties and Human Rights Assessments. Notify LA Modern Slavery Leads of potential case.
Step 2 – Clearly explain:
- what Modern Slavery is – why the person may be a potential victim;
- the National Referral Mechanism;
- the referral process and potential outcomes;
- what they are consenting to and where their details will be sent;
- they can choose to leave the NRM at any point.
Step 3 – Agree level of consent to enter the National Referral Mechanism – NRM:
- Consent to the NRM referral (mandatory) and if yes:
- Consent for NRM support (optional) – support can include advice, accommodation, protection and
independent emotional and practical help delivered by specialist charities.
- Consent to engage with police (optional).
- No consent but other support required.
Step 4 – Following potential victims decision:
If No Consent received follow Step 5. If Consent received follow Step 6.
Step 5 – No Consent or person is unsure of Consent to the NRM referral:
Refer potential victim to the Pre NRM Provider – Rebuild East Midlands – for support.
Advise Rebuild East Midlands of any care and support needs and any known risks.
To check if a referral is appropriate email: or call 07392808943 – referral line is open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm.
To make a referral complete:
1. Risk Assessment Referral – click here
2. Referral form – click here
Step 5b – If consent for NRM is received follow Step 6.
Step 6 – If Consent to NRM Referral received
Complete online National Referral Mechanism form.
Completing, sections dependent upon level of consent, support and accommodation needs.
Depending on level of consent:
- No NRM Support or Accommodation Required follow Step 7.
- NRM Support but no NRM Accommodation Required follow Step 8.
- NRM Support and Accommodation Required follow Step 9.
Step 7 – No NRM Support or Accommodation Required – No further action required – notify LA leads. Process Ends.
Step 8 – Requires NRM Support but no Accommodation Required
- Contact Salvation Army (SA) NRM Referral advice on: 0800 808 3733 or email:;
- Advise that individual does not require accommodation. Maintain contact with SA to confirm Outreach Support in place – Notify LA Leads. Process Ends.
Step 9 – NRM Support and Accommodation Required:
- If No Recourse to Public Funds follow Step 9a.
- If British National or has recourse to Public Funds follow Steps 9b / 9c / 9d
Step 9a – NRPF – Contact SA;
advise that individual is destitute and requires immediate NRM support and agree arrangements for collection. If SA are unable to collect the same day for entry to NRM accommodation;
- Refer potential victim to Rebuild East Midlands for support, and complete Risk Assessment Referral and Referral form
- Contact Homeless Prevention Team for emergency accommodation making it clear this is a potential victim of Modern Slavery and potential NRM Accommodation is pending through victim care contract – see Step 9c.
- Maintain contact with SA and Rebuild East Midlands to ensure victim has entered the NRM. Notify LA leads.
Please Note – Case remains with referring LA until entry into the NRM.
Step 9b – British National or has Recourse to Public Funds:
- Contact SA; advise that individual is a British National / Has Recourse to Public Funds and agree arrangements for Outreach Support. Maintain contact with SA to confirm Outreach Support in place
- Contact the relevant Homelessness Prevention Services for emergency accommodation and Assessment for Housing Duty – No automatic right to enter NRM Accommodation.
- Notify LA Leads.
Step 9c – Action for Homeless Services: Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities
Chapter 25: Modern slavery and trafficking – Guidance – GOV.UK ( Section 8.16 refers. UK Nationals do not have an automatic right to accommodation under the VCC and will require accommodation by a Housing Authority, for example:
- Emergency Relief Duty
- Out of Area Placement
- Transfer of Duty to other Housing Authority
- Potential Victim presents – or assisted to present – at other Housing Authority
An applicant who is a potential victim of modern slavery may have left an area or have a need to be placed away from an area where they have a local connection due to a risk of violence or domestic abuse.
A housing authority cannot refer an applicant to another housing authority if they or anyone who might reasonably be expected to reside with them, would be at risk of violence or domestic abuse in that area. If the Housing Authority is unable to provide appropriate accommodation for safety reasons, a request for accommodation under the VCC should be made by completing a s.213 notice.
Contact details for LA Leads and Homelessness Services are in guidance document